Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson and Naughty Boy exchange verbal blows on Twitter

See their war of words here

Published 7th May 2015

One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson has been exchanging verbal blows with his former bandmate Zayn Malik and Naughty Boy on Twitter.

The whole sorry incident started when Zayn’s new musical collaborator Naughty Boy posted a heavily filtered image of the pair on Twitter, writing “Replace this!” Zayn then retweeted it to his 14million followers.

Clearly riled by the sight of the pair in the studio together, Louis made a less than subtle reference, asking is followers: "Remember when you were 12 and you used to think those Mac filters for your pictures were cool haha ! Some people still do HA!"

Angered by his former band mate’s comments, Zayn asked him: “Remember when you had a life and stopped making bitchy comments about mine?”

The exchanges were retweeted hundreds of thousands of times and Louis and Zayn were both trending worldwide.

Adding fuel to the fire, Louis and Naughty Boy then had a separate war of words throughout last night.

Hours after the heated exchanged peaked, Zayn tried to reassure his fans and calm things down.

Best known for his gargantuan number one hit ‘La La La’ with Sam Smith, Naughty Boy has been working hard in the studio with Zayn Malik since he quit One Direction in March.

Louis was previously angered when Naughty Boy self-leaked a demo of a Zayn collaboration on Soundcloud – the track was taken down after a few hours.

Louis accused Naughty Boy of being “inconsiderate” to 1D fans a week after Zayn’s shock departure.

We’ll await the next Twitter feud with fervent anticipation.