The Wanted Reveal Boyband Aping 'Walks Like Rihanna' Video

They mimic N*Sync, Take That & Backstreet Boys

Published 8th May 2013

The Wanted have premiered their awesome ‘Walks Like Rihanna’ video – watch it now below!

As well as name-checking Bajan beauty Rihanna, The Wanted also parody boyband godfathers Take That, N*Sync and Backstreet Boys throughout the video.

It sees the lads don all-white suits to ape Backstreet Boys’ 1999 video ‘I Want It That Way’, wear puppet strings to mimick N*Sync’s 2000 album cover ‘No Strings Attached’ and stand moodily around a car in tribute to Take That’s 1995 vid for ‘Back for Good’.

The Wanted’s Tom Parker enthused: “We are really excited about this single. We feel it’s a little different from the usual Wanted sound, we’ve stripped it back to pure pop, it’s just a feel good, fun track.”

‘Walks Like Rihanna’ is available to download from Sunday 23rd June 2013. You can pre-order it right now below!

The Wanted ‘Walks Like Rihanna’

Walks Like Rihanna - Single - The Wanted</a>