Stranger Things kids tells us what they get up to off set

Making amazing TV isn't always as fun as it seems!

Published 27th Oct 2017
Last updated 27th Oct 2017

It's one of the most anticipated TV shows of the year - but the wait is finally over!

Stranger Things Season 2 is available to watch on Netflix now.

Ahead of the release, two of the young cast members popped over to the UK and swung by our Entertainment Hub to chat all things Season 2.

Fresh from visiting the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London, Caleb McLaughlin (Lucas) and Noah Schnapp (Will) told us the news series is darker and more scary than the previous one.

In the show the boys all love playing Dungeons and Dragons - but they told us they've no idea how to play the game in real life.

When asked if they get to play any games between takes, they revealed they actually have to go and do school work!

However, it's not all hard work for the pair as they have gone to plenty of fancy, showbiz events where A-Listers, like Amy Schumer, would request photos with them!

But the highlight, for Caleb at least, was meeting former President Barack Obama - an experience that was shared on the Stranger Things Facebook.

If you skip towards the end you can see a speechless Caleb meet the then President.

He also shared this photo straight after:

Watch our interview below, where Noah also tells us how he hopes people will stop thinking he's Finn Wolfhard, who plays Mike, once they've seen Season 2 >>>

Watch the trailer for Stranger Things 2 below >>>