13 Starbucks hacks you need in your life

Great tips and tricks to save money and get tastier drinks

Published 12th Jun 2015
Last updated 1st Feb 2017

Ever wondered about how you could save money and get tastier drinks at Starbucks? We’re here to help you out…

If you find that order is always too hot, try ordering your drink at ‘kids’ temperature. Staff should serve you with a drink at 135 degrees, which is easier to get down your neck and allows you to experience the full flavour of the coffee. Thank us later.

An Americano is a hidden gem. It’s not significantly more expensive than a regular coffee, and since it’s an espresso drink, it tastes a lot better. It’s also cheaper than a latte. Just add milk guys.

If you’re planning an extended visit, why not opt for a French Press of coffee. You’re guaranteed fresh coffee and you get the whole Press to yourself. Definitely a win, win situation.

If you fancy your chances at getting a free cup of drip coffee, wait until they run out. If they take have already taken your order and are in the process of brewing up a fresh batch, most Starbucks baristas will apologise for making you wait and offer it you on the house.

If you are a fan of Chai lattes but don’t like them too sweet, order a hot tea with chai teabags, and ask them to add hot milk. Tea is much cheaper and the teabags will allow you to customise the strength.

If you’re after an iced latte, try ordering a Doppio over ice and then add which ever milk you’d like into it by yourself.

Iced teas are normally double-strength in pitcher and watered down for your final recipe. Try asking for “no water” for a stronger flavour.

If you’re looking for a free glass of water, ask for a cup of triple-filter water. It’s a refreshingly cheap alternative to bottled water.

If you and a friend want a Frappuccino, ask for a venti Frapp and an extra cup. A tall drink is exactly half the size of a Venti and should share out equally. Split the coffee and the cost.

If you love your oatmeal really sweet, ask them to add a couple shot of cinnamon dolce in it for free.

If you don’t like lots of ice in your cold drinks, ask for “light ice” and benefit from more drink in your cup.

Take advantage of your birthday. If you sign up for the Starbucks reward program (which is free), you are officially entitled to a free drink on your birthday. You’ll have 30 days to redeem the offer.

Instead of ordering a Caramel Macchiato, opt for a Marble Mocha Macchiato, which adds more flavour and has a better balance of white mocha and caramel.