24 Arrested in Immigration Crackdown

24 arrested during new crackdown on businesses across Greater Manchester.

Published 28th Sep 2015

24 people have been arrested during a crackdown on suspected illegal working in Manchester.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The arrests were made during 16 operations carried out at businesses across the region by Home Office Immigration Enforcement officers.

14 businesses were served with notices warning they would be liable for a penalty of up to £20,000 for each illegal worker found unless evidence of correct pre-employment checks was provided.

This crackdown coincides with a new Immigration Bill that will introduce new measures to make it tough to work illegally in the UK, including increasing the punishments for employing illegal migrants and strengthening our border security.

Immigration Minister James Brokenshire said: “The message is clear - if you are here illegally, you shouldn't be entitled to receive the everyday benefits and services available to hard-working families and people who have come to this country legitimately to contribute.”

“This Bill will build on the Government’s work since 2010 to crack down on abuse and build an immigration system that truly benefits the whole country - by deterring illegal migrants from coming and making it harder for those already here to live and work in the UK.”

People with information about suspected immigration abuse can contact or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.