Man jailed for over 10 years after attempted sexual assault at Oldham care home

Police were called on New Year's Day to reports of a man carrying a knife inside a care home

22 year old Jake Astley
Author: Matt SoanesPublished 1st Aug 2023
Last updated 1st Aug 2023

A man has been jailed for over 10 years for the attempted sexual assault of a woman at an Oldham care home.

Police were called on January 1 at around 1:45am after a man was seen inside the care home carrying a knife.

A 79 year old woman was seen by staff at Saint Marys Sexual Assault Referral Centre, where it was determined she had been attacked.

22 year old Jake Astley, of no fixed address, was charged with knowingly trespassing on a premises with intent to commit a sexual offence, committing an offence with the intention of committing a sexual offence, assault, affray and attempted rape.

He admitted to attempted rape and assault and was handed a 10 and a half year sentence for the sexual offence, with an 18 month concurrent sentence for the assault.

Detective Constable Sharon Harper of GMP’s Oldham district said: “The crimes that Jake Astley committed that night were horrific and we would like to thank the victim, her loved ones and the care home staff for their continued support throughout our investigations.

"This was no doubt a long and distressing investigation for the victim and her loved ones.

“Jake Astley – whilst under the influence of drugs and alcohol - was able to gain access to the premises and arrogantly and knowingly walk through the care home to commit crime where vulnerable adults resided whilst he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

“He not only put the care home’s residents and staff through danger by threatening them with a knife and chasing them through their place of work or their home with a knife, but he then committed further atrocious crimes to a vulnerable elderly woman.

“Astley knowingly entered the victim’s bedroom, preyed upon her vulnerabilities, and began to assault and sexually assault her.

"His crimes are horrific and his lack of remorse for the victim and her welfare is despicable. Astley is a dangerous individual who fully deserves the sentence imposed on him.

“We also completely understand that this case taking place in an assisted living/care home environment will cause some concern within the local community.

“We would like to assure members of the public that incidents like these are extremely rare, and we are working in collaboration with local authorities, care homes and support organisations to ensure that vulnerable people and residents are better protected and supported from all partners including GMP.

“This case demonstrates the seriousness with which Greater Manchester Police deal with report of sexual assaults, including those committed against women and girls.

"We will believe you; we will support you and we will do everything we can to bring an offender to justice.”

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