Pizza Hut unveil delivery box that doubles as a film projector!

Pizza Hut in Hong Kong introduce pizza boxes which convert into movie projectors to use with smartphones.

Published 9th Jun 2015

Pizza Hut in Hong Kong have introduced specially-designed pizza boxes which convert into movie projectors for customers to use with smartphones.

The advertising stunt is designed by Ogilvy Hong Kong and named the ‘Blockbuster Box’.

There's a pop-out hole in the side of the box and a special pizza table that serves as the lens. SImply slip the plastic lens into the hole and use the pizza table’s legs to prop up your smartphone inside the box. Films can then be projected straight from your smartphone to a blank wall.

Four themed boxes come with a separate movie download:

  • Full Loaded - For those who love action - Slice Night - For horror fans - Anchovy Armageddon - For fans of Sci-Fi - Hot & Ready - For all those romantic at heart

There's no plans to make this worldwide but we are going to try and make our own!