Police launch appeal following Middleton shooting

28 year old shot in the early hours

Published 26th Nov 2015

Police investigating the shooting of a man in Middleton have appealed to the public to come forward with information. Warren Leigh, 28, remains in a critical condition in hospital after the attack, which took place Ullswater Drive in Middleton at around 2am. Armed officers were called to the address by paramedics, who treated the 28-year-old for a single gunshot wound to the chest. Warren has since undergone surgery and remains in hospital in a critical condition. It is thought that between three and five men approached the address shortly before 2am and attempted to gain entry to the property by forcing their way through the front door. When the victim went to the front bedroom window to see what was going on, he was shot once in the chest by one of the men. The offenders were dressed in dark clothing with hoods pulled up over their heads. Detective Inspector Andy Naismith from GMP’s Major Incident Team said: “We are still in the early stages of the investigation, but we strongly believe this to be attack specifically targeting Warren. “He remains in a very critical condition and the next 24 hours will be life or death for him. “His family are, understandably, extremely upset and so far the motives for this attack are unclear. “That is why it is so important for people to come forward, if they know anything, or saw anything which may have aroused suspicion. “We know that a number of men were seen running away from Ullswater Drive and there will be people out there who know exactly why this shooting took place.

“I'd appeal to them to come forward and talk to us, even if this is done anonymously.

“Crimes like this are solved by the community pulling together with the police and telling those responsible that this kind of cowardly act will not be tolerated.

“People in the area will be understandably shocked and concerned that an incident of this nature could happen on their doorstep, but I would like to try and reassure them that Greater Manchester Police will be taking every possible precaution to keep them safe.

“We will have a heightened presence in the area, with extra patrols being carried out in the surrounding neighbourhoods, and our experience detectives will be leaving no stone unturned to try and locate and detain those responsible for this horrific attack.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Greater Manchester Police’s Major Incident Team on 0161 856 8797 or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.