​The ‘power’ of make-up

YouTube star Nikki Tutorials reveals the power of make-up in this incredible transformation video.

Published 10th Jun 2015

This week the star of YouTube channel ‘Nikki Tutorials’ decided to demonstrate the power of make up by transforming one side of her face as a response to make-up shaming. Nikki’s channel includes videos of the 21 year old from the Netherlands demonstrating how to put on make-up and has just shy of 1 million subscribers.

Nikki starts the video stating how she loves wearing make-up, stating;

“I've been noticing a lot lately that girls have been almost ashamed to say that they love make-up, 'cause nowadays, if you say that you love make-up, you either do it because you want to look good for boys, you do it because you're insecure, or you do it because you don't love yourself,”

She continues that many can’t believe that she is really the girl in the pictures so she decided to only put make-up on half of her face, to not only show the techniques but to demonstrate the ‘power of make up.’

On the flipside there have been instances in the press where celebrities are ‘shamed’ for what they look like without make up. Some have taken to using social media as a way to share positive messages and not think twice about what they look like make-up free.

Jennifer Lopez tweeted this pic with: "Time for sleepy sleepy...goodnight everybody..." —@jlo

Lady GaGa tweeted her make-up free selfie with, "A beautiful relaxing day with my family. Time to rest, recharge, and reinspire!!"

What do you think? Is fresh faced better, is it ok to put on so much you look like a different person or is it best to strike a balance somewhere in the middle?