Urgent Review at Strangeways

Published 8th Oct 2015

An urgent review's been ordered at Strangeways after a report raised concerns for safety of staff, prisoners and Inspectors.

It comes just weeks after a prioner held a three-day protest on the roof of the jail.

Independent Monitoring Board for HMP Manchester has published its review between March 2014 - February 2015.

Here's a summary of the findings.

In a series of recommenadtions to the The Minister it requests:

  • An urgent review of the facilities at HMP Manchester and to make provision for the upgrading of the establishment to meet 21st Century expectations.

The Minister is requested to instigate an urgent review of staffing levels inprisons. The recent reduction in front line operational staff has caused a number of problems, many of which are highlighted in the report.

  • The lack of staff available in the healthcare unit to allow high risk prisoners the recommended period of exercise and time out of cell can only be counter productive to the patients well being and recovery.
  • Reductions in staffing levels on Residential Wings have created a number of tensions and unease, not least of which is the lack of confidence in being “safe” expressed by members of the Independent Monitoring Board. Prisoner’s access to Association time has also be affected by the reductions in staffing levels. Association time is vital to the smooth running of the Wings, allowing time for prisoners to socialise with fellow inmates and officers thus building essential working relationships.
  • Access to the Library has also been affected by a lack of escort officers, we have on occasion visited the Library to find it completely devoid of customers.
  • The number of staff available on the Segregation Unit is in our opinion far from sufficient to ensure a safe and stable environment. We have witnessed staff being unable to unlock high risk prisoners due to the lack of available staff, we contend that in a state of emergency this situation could be highly dangerous and possibly life-threatening.
  • The IMB is charged with reporting to The Secretary of State on how well the prison has met the standards and requirements on it, together with the impact these have on those in custody. IMB at HMP Manchester wishes to report that the decisions taken by The Minister regarding such standards and requirements applied to staffing levels have crossed the threshold of safety resulting in a less safe environment for all concerned.
  • The Board continues to be concerned at the lack of appropriate Dining facilities on the Residential Wings. This is a point which has been raised in several of our Annual Reports, the answers to which have been far from satisfactory. In our opinion the necessity to consume food in the vicinity of an open toilet fails to meet any levels of decency and respect.
  • The Minister is therefore requested to undertake an urgent review of the facilities at HMP Manchester and to make provision for the upgrading of the establishment to meet 21st Century expectations.