Cyclist left with serious injuries following Whitby hit and run

A man in his 60s has suffered serious injuries.

Author: May NormanPublished 28th Mar 2023

Police in Whitby are searching for a driver of a vehicle that failed to stop at the scene of a collision.

At around 1.30am in the early hours of Tuesday 28 March, a cyclist was riding along Stakesby Road towards Spring Vale when he was struck by a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction.

The 63-year-old man was left lying in the road with serious injuries.

He was treated at the scene by paramedics and taken to hospital where he currently remains.

The vehicle involved, believed to be a Vauxhall, suffered obvious damage, but did not stop at the scene.

Police believe the vehicle may have been abandoned after the collision.

Anyone who has seen a vehicle with sudden unexplained damage or comes across one, anyone who witnessed the incident or has private CCTV footage that has captured the car or the collision, is asked to call North Yorkshire Police on 101.

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