Tier two restrictions "another blow" for Suffolk hospitality

Suffolk brewery, Adnams, has reacted to the new rules after lockdown

Author: Charlotte FisherPublished 27th Nov 2020

Suffolk entering Tier two restrictions after lockdown has been described as "another blow" for the hospitality sector.

Local brewery Adnams has spoken to Greatest Hits Radio after being disappointed with yesterday's announcement.

Under the new rules coming in next week, pubs have to close if they can't serve a 'substantial' meal.

Director of Properties, Nick Attfield, told us it'll be a tough period for wet-led pubs.

"They are the ones that are going to be most severely hit by this restriction as they simply cannot and do not offer this substantial meal.

"Therefore, Adnams will do everything we can to support them through the closure period and help protect them for the future."

Nick added:

"Hospitality venues have really taken the brunt of these business restrictions.

"But, we're a resilient lot, we'll get through them.

"We'll focus on the future and the very real hope that by spring 2021 we can open our doors fully."

What does Tier two mean for Suffolk?

In Tier two you can't socialise with anyone you do not live with or who is not in your support bubble in any indoor setting, whether that's your home or a public space.

You can meet outdoors but only as long as the 'Rule of Six' is followed.

Businessnes and venues can stay open as long as they operate in a covid-secure way.

Pubs and bars have to close though unless they're operating as restaurants, and then they can only serve alcohol with substantial meals.

Hospitality businesses who are serving food and drink must provide table service only, and follow the 11pm curfew (10pm last orders) rule.

People selling food for delivery, click and collect, or drive-through can carry on after 10pm.

People can start going to outdoor and indoor events again but capacity is limited. It's restricted to whichever is lower: 50% capacity, or either 2,000 people outdoors or 1,000 indoors. Those same capacity restrictions apply to spectator sports.

Places of worship remain open but you shouldn't socialise with people from outside your household or bubble while you are indoors there.

Weddings are back on but limited to 15 people, while funerals have a maximum capacity of 30.

Organised outdoor sport, and physical activity and exercise classes can continue. Organised indoor sport and classes will only be allowed if people can avoid mixing with people they don't live with. There are exceptions for supervised indoor sport for under-18s.

You can continue to travel to venues and amenities which are open but are encouraged to reduce the number of journeys you make where possible.

If you live in a tier two area you must continue to follow tier two rules if you travel to a tier one area. The advice is to avoid overnight stays in tier three areas.

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