Welcoming visitors back to Suffolk

Lockdown lifts that bit more today (17 May)

Author: Sharon PlummerPublished 17th May 2021

Visitor numbers travelling and staying in Suffolk are set to grow in the coming weeks, boosted by the phased lifting of COVID restrictions and on current limitations on international travel. The demand for staycations, particularly for Suffolk's coast and countryside, alongside increasing domestic tourism demand for the 'unexplored England experience' has seen Suffolk rise up the list of favoured visitor destinations this summer.

While this is a welcome boost for the recovery of the visitor economy, the Suffolk Growth Partnership is reinforcing 'travel and visit' messages to both visitors and local businesses.

Strategic Lead for the Visitor Economy, Richard Hunt commented:

"With restrictions easing, many of us, like our visitors, are keen to get out and socialise and explore our county. We are welcoming visitors to Suffolk, both those coming for the first time and those who are making a return. To ensure the visitor experience in Suffolk is an excellent one, we are asking people to plan ahead for their visits and use the latest information from local councils and Suffolk's official visitor websites. If travelling by car, consider avoiding local routes likely to become congested at peak times, and check in advance the options and access to appropriate parking nearby your destination.

"We are asking our visitors to act with consideration and respect to fellow visitors, businesses, our residents and our natural environment, and to 'Enjoy Suffolk -responsibly.'

Key messages include:

When out and about in Suffolk please follow the countryside code - respect everyone around you, protect the environment and enjoy the great outdoors.

If choosing to visit the coast, enjoy the fresh air and open space but familiarise yourself with local coast and beach information and follow RNLI and beach safety advice. Lifeguarded Beaches - Find Your Nearest Lifeguarded Beach (rnli.org)

Know before you go, plan your travel and visit, and avoid tourist hotspots where you can. Check out Suffolk's hidden gems instead. https://www.visitsuffolk.com

Be kind to staff and locals and support our wide range of local independent businesses where you can.

Make sure we're keeping ourselves and others safe, continue to follow Government COVID guidance, including social distancing, washing hands regularly and wearing face coverings where necessary.

Look out for the We're Good to Go mark - it shows businesses that are operating in line with government and public health COVID guidance.

Suffolk's retail, hospitality and leisure businesses are a key part of the visitor economy and Suffolk Growth Partnership are supporting guidance for Suffolk businesses to refresh approaches to reopening safely, in line with the latest Government COVID sector guidance online.

Richard said:

"It's great to see footfall in our towns returning and businesses open again. As we move towards a Covid secure economy it is vital we all play our part in reopening safely and staying open. We are encouraging Suffolk's businesses to revisit the Government guidance regularly, and when they need it, access advice from local Environmental Health teams."

Visitor economy, retail, hospitality, leisure and community businesses are encouraged to attend free Suffolk Growth Partnership webinars in May and June to prepare for safe reopening enabling protection of employees and customers and preventing the spread of Covid-19.

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