10 ways the Game Of Thrones season 6 finale blew our minds


Published 28th Jun 2016


In typical Game Of Thrones style the season six finale included betrayal, confrontation and lots of death while also leaving the story wide open to a whole host of exciting possibilities.

1) The Tyrell heirs were wiped out. Poor Queen Marjaery. First she got stuck with Joffrey, then she married the kinder Tommen, only to end up imprisoned by the High Sparrow. After doing what she could to rescue Loras, the penny dropped as she realised they were both about to become victim to Cersei's own bid for survival. Our jaws dropped as the wildfire spread and The Sept was blown to smithereens.

2) Cersei saw off the High Sparrow. The High Sparrow, Lancel Lannister, Uncle Kevan Lannister and a load of Sparrows also went up in flames with the wildfire. Oh and Grand Maester Pycelle, stabbed by children. Standard.

3) Arya doesn't mess about. Ayra decided to get revenge for her mother and brother’s murder at the Red Wedding. Arya killed Walder Frey but only after she had killed "Black Walder" (who killed Catelyn Stark) and Lothar (who killed Robb Stark’s pregnant wife Talisa), baked them into a pie and then fed it to him.

4) Jamie and Cersei lost their last child. Having seen what Cersei was actually capable of, it was just a bit too much for poor King Tommen who decided jumping out of the window was preferable to living with his mother.

5) Queen Cersei now sits on the Iron Throne. Her children were the only thing that really kept her in touch with her human side and now with them gone we can only predict horrible things will happen. Or maybe she planned it like this all along? Anyone else notice how unhappy Jamie looked...

6) Jon Snow is not Ned's son. He's his nephew. His parents are Lyanna Stark (Ned's sister) and his father is most likely Rhaegar Targaryen, Daenerys' older brother and son of the Mad King. This means Daenerys is his auntie and only living relative. Do we hear wedding bells?

7) Bran IS the three eyed raven. But will Bran and Jon Snow ever meet again for Jon Snow to find out his true heritage?

8) Little Finger is plotting to put himself on the throne with Sansa as his queen. Ok, so we kind of always knew this, but now he's said out loud his intentions. Did you see the look he gave Jon Snow when the men chanted 'King of the North'? Will he go against Jon Snow to further his own chances on the throne? Remember what he did to Joffrey (though we're grateful for this).

9) Daenerys is FINALLY on her way. Daenerys and Tyrion have finally left Meereen and are headed for a smackdown with Queen Cersei. Lady Elena has teamed with the scheming Ellaria Sand for vengeance and Varys is there to get the Tyrells and Martells to support Daenerys sitting on the throne. Quite the army she's got now!

10) 'Winter is here'. The three words we've waited six seasons for have finally been spoken.

With rumours flying that there will be only 7 episodes in season 7 and 6 episodes in season 8, we hope this fast pace continues!