Netflix reveals the shows that get us hooked and why

Many series will have us hooked after four episodes.

Published 26th Sep 2016

Online streaming service Netflix has released details on the shows that get us hooked.

Some of the most popular shows, such as Stranger Things and Making a Murderer will have us hooked after just three or four episodes, whereas others like Gilmore Girls take seven episodes.

Netflix's definition of getting us hooked is "the episode that kept 70% of viewers watching through a first season’s end".

According to Cindy Holland, the Vice President of Original Content at Netflix, “The hooked findings give us confidence that there is an appetite for original and unique content, which is why we’re excited to deliver variety in stories to our members, whether they’re political dramas from France or musical dramas from the Bronx.”

In the case of Making a Murderer it was an unexpected confession and apparent tampering of evidence that had viewers hooked and in it for the long haul.

Making a Murderer | © Netflix

For Stranger Things it was Barb's nightmare in the upside down and the first good look at the Demogorgon that hooked fans in episode three.

Stranger Things | © Netflix

What are you hooked by?