5k Minute - Thursday 12th May

Clyde 1
Author: JOhn McinallyPublished 12th May 2022
  1. Shane Richie played Alfie Moon in which TV soap?

A. Eastenders

  1. What musical features the song Beauty School drop out?

A. Grease

  1. Which Scottish city is famous for it’s marmalade?

A. Dundee

  1. Who is the current manager of Clyde Football CLub?

A. Danny Lennon

  1. What type of food is a Chipolata?

A Sausage

  1. Which internal organs job is to filter your blood?

A. Kidney

  1. What type of vehicle is a trawler?

A. Boat

  1. Glenn Close and Emma Stone have portrayed which villain?

A. Cruella de Vil

  1. To Kill A Mocking Bird was written by which author?

A. Harper Lee (National 5 & Advanced Higher English today)

  1. A Branock device is used to measure what?

A. A Persons Shoe Size