5K Minute - Tuesday 5th March

Clyde 1
Author: Finn MarsdenPublished 5th Mar 2024

Q1. On which social media site did you used to be able to poke people?

A1. Facebook

Q2. Which famous reggae reggae sauce maker entered the Big Brother house last night?

A2. Levi Roots

Q3. On which part of your body would you have a root canal treatment?

A3. Teeth/Mouth

Q4. Who is the lead singer of British rock band, ‘Blur’?

A4. Damian Albarn

Q5. What is a group of lions known as?

A5. A Pride

Q6. How are Natasha and Daniel Bedingfield related?

A6. Siblings

Q7. Pull it, Twist it, and Flick it are all actions you have to perform in which handheld game?

A7. Bop It

Q8. Which Swedish city will host the Eurovision Song Contest this May?

A8. Malmo

Q9. What is the title of Lorraine Kelly’s new book?

A9. The Island Swimmer

Q10. The RNLI celebrated which Birthday yesterday?

A10. 200th