5k Minute - Wednesday 24th November

Clyde 1
Author: JOhn McinallyPublished 24th Nov 2021
Last updated 24th Nov 2021
  1. How many pandas are currently at Edinburgh Zoo?

A. 2 (Tian-Tian and Yang Guang)

  1. In what 2011 film did Wilson Philips ‘Hold On’ feature?

A. Bridesmaids

  1. What is the name for the turntable serving dishes named after women’s name?

A. Lazy Susan

  1. What noodle dish is the national dish of Thailand?

A. Pad Thai

  1. What is the name of the reindeer in Frozen?

A. Sven

  1. In what Scottish city would you find the Fubar?

A. Stirling

  1. What painkiller is the primary ingredient in Panadol?

A. Paracetamol

  1. What country are the KLM airlines headquarters located?

A. Netherlands (Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij)

  1. Who is the latest celebrity to be voted off Strictly at the weekend?

A. Tom Fletcher

10.Which Tennis Grandslam is played on a clay surface?

A. French Open