Emmerdale fans spotted HUGE soap fail as Lachlan tried to kill Rebecca

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Author: Emma DoddsPublished 26th Jan 2018
Last updated 26th Jan 2018

Emmerdale fans have been left very confused after last night's episode saw Lachlan White try to murder his aunt Rebecca, but something wasn't quite right.

The teenager, who had literally just delivered a eulogy at his mum and grandfather's funeral - people HE KILLED - then went to see his aunt Rebecca. Rebecca had been left in a coma after the car crash that he caused, which had also killed Chrissie and Lawrence.

However, the only other person who knows he's guilty so far is Rebecca, who's lying unconscious in a hospital bed. So, Lachlan paid a visit to her in last night's episode after leaving the funeral early - intending to finish her off once and for all.

The horribly tense scenes then saw the 17-year-old take hold of Rebecca's breathing tubes and start to squeeze, suffocating her.

But as the alarms started to go off, he seemed to have a moral crisis and let go.

However, fans took to Twitter after the episode aired to raise a very good point - where on earth were the doctors and nurses when Rebecca's machine started bleeping?!

Surely, if Rebecca's machine started going off, a group of medical staff should have run in, to see what was going on?


Whilst the 17-year-old seems to have got away with potential triple murder so far, he accidentally left a trail of breadcrumbs, which could reveal that he caused the crash.

Just before he grabbed the steering wheel during that fateful argument with his family, Lachlan had 'pocket-dialled' his best friend Gerry - and left a very incriminating voicemail, which would reveal that he was guilty.

Lachlan caused the crash which killed his mum Chrissie and grandad Lawrence and hospitalised his aunt Rebecca

Even though he's planning to get to Gerry's phone before he does, so he can delete the message, it won't all work out in tonight's episode as he's caught red-handed.

Will Lachlan finally get his comeuppance?

Emmerdale continues on ITV.

This article originally appeared on CloserOnline >>