Emmerdale spoilers: Jamie Tate's secret family revealed

Find out what will happen next week on Emmerdale

Author: Marianna MansonPublished 29th May 2019

Next week on Emmerdale, Kim Tate is shocked when it turns out her son Jamie Tate has a secret family.

As he determines to convince his wife and child to move to the village permanently, will Kim be able to curb her possessive streak?

Meanwhile, Maya Stepney faces the final curtain as Eric Pollard gives her an ultimatum

Faced with two impossible choices, will Maya do the right thing?

Despite everything, Jacob Gallagher isn't prepared to give her up, and vows to wait for her while she's in prison, leaving dad David Metcalfe's desperate.

Victoria Sugden makes the huge decision to keep her baby after she was violently raped by Lee on their night out.

But though the villagers all rally round her, her half brother Robert Sugden isn't supportive of her choice.

CHECK OUT Emmerdale spoilers Monday 3 – Friday 7 June

Out riding, Kim is furious when a car speeds past and spooks her horse. Approaching the driver prepared to have a stern word, she's shocked to find Jamie and his secret family in the car.

Jamie introduces his mum to his wife Andrea and their young daughter, Millie. Kim is shocked – but Andrea has problems herself with Jamie living at Home Farm with Kim.

Determined to get all his family in the same place, Jamie is thrilled when Andrea agrees to stay the night in the village. The next day, he begins asking around about jobs for her, with the view to convincing her to stay long term.

Kim is thrown to have Andrea on the scene and vows not to lose Jamie again. Is there enough room at Home Farm for two headstrong women, or will Jamie get caught in the middle?

Victoria, Robert and Diane discuss Victoria's pregnancy following her rape at the hands of Lee, and both Robert and Diane are uneasy when she says she won't have a termination.

The next day at the café, Diane raises Victoria's hope by saying Robert might change his mind and support her decision, but when she runs into him later it's clear Diane's kind words were misguided.

Later on at the Woolpack, a well meaning Marlon probes Victoria on her low mood. When Victoria relents and tells him about the rape, Marlon is shocked.

As news travels round the village, Matty, Chas, Ellis and Charity struggle to process what happened to Victoria and all vow to do what they can.

Charity and Vanessa are still worrying about their housing situation, with no stable place to live after leaving the pub. Vanessa promises to find them a home.

After her arrest, and despite what she put him through, Jacob wants to wait for Maya, and tells David that he's lost without her.

Even though she's been banned from seeing him, Maya spies on Jacob from the shadows as she waits for the right time to approach and speak to him – but she's spotted by Pollard.

Choosing not to say anything to her, Pollard instead heads back to the B&B and goes to report Maya to the police – but as the phone rings, he's interrupted by Maya herself.

Furious when Maya hangs up his call, Pollard gives her a final ultimatum – turn herself in, or tell Jacob she doesn't love him any more and leave for good.

At the factory, chemistry continues to fizz between Jai and Laurel.

After his disastrous date last week, Jai thinks it might be time to stop looking for love online and start looking right in front of him.

When Liam's dead ex-wife is brought up, Nicola tells Bernice that Liam's acting like he's got something to hide and gives her food for thought

With the idea already settling, Bernice is thrown and doesn't know who to trust.

Now let's remind ourselves of what's happening this week in Emmerdale.

Tensions are running high as Paddy Kirk and Chas Dingle prepare for their 20-week scan

At the hospital, they wait for what feels like an age to be told that their baby is healthy.

As they celebrate with their family, they decide to keep the baby's gender a secret – but there's one special person they can't wait to share it with.

Megan Macey is desperately trying to raise money to pay her legal fees after her phone-driving faux pas.

But when she comes face to face with Kim Tate over an upcoming event at Home Farm, Kim isn't up for playing nice.

Meanwhile, Jai Sharma is dating again, and Charity Dingle and Vanessa Woodfield discuss finally moving out of the Woolpack.

Emmerdale airs every weeknight at 7pm on ITV, with a second showing on Tuesday nights at 8pm.