Something brilliant happens if you talk about Harry Potter on Facebook

Find out what you need to do

Harry Potter

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and to celebrate this anniversary Facebook have introduced a bit of fun!

In order to unlock this Facebook Easter egg (the name of these little hidden treats) all you have to do is type 'Harry Potter', or one of the names of the houses 'Gryffindor', 'Ravenclaw', 'Hufflepuff' or 'Slytherin', in a status or comment.

Easy as that!

Once you enter your chosen word the screen will come alive with a bit of magic!

Users have been taking to social media to share videos of the Facebook Easter egg.

This isn't the only Easter egg that Facebook has.

Facebook comes in many languages and they aren't all as 'normal' as you might think. You can change your Facebook language to 'Pirate' or 'Upside Down'. Just head over to Facebook > Settings > Language and choose English (Pirate) or English (Upside Down).

Here are some other Easter Eggs we've come across.


There are so many available on Google, here are just a small selection of the ones we've found.

Do a barrel roll: Don't do this one if you get seasick easily! You can make the well-known search engine 'do a barrel roll' just by searching 'do a barrel roll'.

Retro Google: Get Google to display as it did in 1998 by searching for 'google in 1998'.

Askew: Search for 'askew' and all your results will appear at an angle.

Retro gaming: For a bit of retro gaming search for 'Atari Breakout' in Google and click on the top link. You'll then be presented with the classic childhood game.

T-Rex game: Visit then disconnect from the internet, type something as if you were going to search and you'll be presented with an error page with a T-Rex on it! As he runs you can make him jump by using the space bar.


You might use YouTube all the time to search for videos, but did you know that if you type 'Do The Harlem Shake' in the search box and press return, you'll be rewarded with the 'Shake'.


Ever heard of the saying turn it 'up to 11'? That saying was coined in the mockumentary This Is Spinal Tap, a comedy film about a fictitious rock band unsurprisingly called Spinal Tap.

Usually amps are turned up to the maximum '10' but in the film one of the guitarists turns his amp up to '11'.

If you search for This Is Spinal Tap on IMDB then you'll see a subtle Easter egg if you check out the rating.

Turn the volume up to 11


For those who don't know the Konami code has been used for years in video games and now on websites.

It's an easy code to remember 'up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a'. Using this code will unlock a variety of things, here are some of the fun ones we've come across.

Visit for something unusual to say the least!

Visit for an audio delight.


Group of girls playing computer games

Call of Duty

One of the most popular computer games around is the Call of Duty franchise and the Nuke Town map included in Black Ops and Black Ops 2 both have great Easter eggs.

In Black Ops shoot the heads off all of the mannequins and you'll be presented with a chance to play some retro games, whereas in Black Ops 2, shoot all the arms of the mannequins and you'll be presented with a completely different surprise.

The Sims

Another popular computer game, The Sims, has endless Easter eggs, here are some of the best:

The Sims playing The Sims: In The Sims 4 sometimes you'll see your characters playing the original Sims game on their computer. There is no way to make this happen, they just need a computer to use.

Grow a cow plant in your garden: Also in The Sims 4 you can catch a cow plant berry when you go fishing, plant the berry in your garden and it will turn into a cow plant which looks like something out of this world!

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