50 years since upper Clyde ship-building sit-in

Workers attracted support from around the globe.

Clyde Shipyard workers at the House of Commons
Author: Callum McQuadePublished 30th Nov 2021
Last updated 30th Nov 2021

This year's St. Andrew's Day is marking the 50th anniversary of the Upper Clyde Shipbuilding work-in with a Civic Reception hosted by Glasgow’s Lord Provost, Philip Braat.

The event will take place at Glasgow City Chambers to honour those that led and supported the heroic struggle, many of whom are sadly no longer with us, for those that are, the event will honour and recognise them.

Jimmy Cloughley, a former member of the UCS co-ordinating committee said on behalf of the veterans: “This event is not one born out of nostalgia but a reminder that we have to keep alive the struggle to maintain employment for our young people.”

Jimmy Reid on left talking at Central Hall, Westminster, with him are Bob Dickie and Jimmy Airley

The work-in at UCS, during 1971-72, saw workers stage a sit in following the Tory Government decisions to remove funding and attempt to close the yard.

The decision meant at least 6,000 of the 8,500 shipyard workers employed by the yards would have to be made redundant.

Unite Scottish Secretary Pat Rafferty said: “The UCS work-in in the 1970’s is a powerful reminder that the struggles faced by workers then to keep their jobs and keep industries open, are the same ones workers are having today fifty years on.

"The collective action and the decision to occupy the yard taken by those workers ultimately saved their jobs and saved the shipbuilding industry on the Clyde, and to them we will be forever grateful.”

Workers from across five continents sent donations and messages of support with John Lennon and Yoko Ono sending a cheque for £1,000 to support the workers as well as a bouquet of 100 red roses.

The work-in saw workers manage and operate the UCS shipyards until the government changed its policy.

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