£700,000 toy donation gives kids a brighter Christmas

Published 4th Dec 2017
Last updated 4th Dec 2017

Children across Scotland look set to benefit from the kindness of strangers this Christmas, as an anonymous benefactor has donated £700,000 worth of toys to children’s charities across the country, including Cash for Kids.

The toys have been donated to James Mortimer for the Donna Mortimer Ballantyne Charitable Trust (DMBCT) by a customer of Rogano Glasgow and 29 Private Members Club in Royal Exchange Square.

Mr Mortimer has organised for the toys to be distributed through a number of Scottish charities supported by him and his family.

The toy drop is being co-ordinated by Cash for Kids with more than 80 Scottish Charities will benefit from this donation including Celtic FC Charity Foundation, Rangers Charity Foundation, Kiltwalk, Variety Scotland, Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity, The Lord Provost of Glasgow Children’s Fund, Emmie Smillie Charity Foundation and Kilbryde Hospice.

Representatives from the charities, including players and ex-players Alan Rough, Frank McAvennie, Lee McCulloch, Joe Miller, Graham Dorrans and Ryan Jack from both Rangers and Celtic Football Clubs, made their way to Bullet Express today for the delivery of the toys.

Mr Mortimer, said 'Christmas can be a difficult time for children living in deprived areas, and so this amazing donation from my pal is hugely appreciated. It will help to make a difference in so many lives.'

Mr. Mortimer thanked Cash for Kids for their help in coordinating the process, as well as extending his gratitude to Bullet Express in Baillieston for their support in storing and distributing the toys across Scotland.

David McCutcheon, Owner, Bullet Express said: 'As ever, we are delighted to help Cash for Kids, we’ve been involved with the Charity for 20 years.

'We help all throughout the year across the projects. It’s simple for us to help distribute the toys. Our motto is work hard, play hard and give something back.

'The toys will benefit thousands of children throughout the country, and Mr. Mortimer hopes this wonderful donation on behalf of the DMBCT will help to add a little bit of magic to their Christmas’