4am raid leaves 83 year old 'terrified'

The robber ripped out his landline phone so he couldn't call for help

Published 21st Feb 2018

An 83 year old man's been left terrified after a robber broke into his home on the south side of Glasgow early yesterday morning and forced him to hand over his bank cards and reveal his pin number, before ripping out his landline phone so his victim couldn't call for help afterwards.

The man, armed with what police have described as a sharp object, forced his way into the property on Menock Road in Kings Park at 4am on Tuesday.

The intruder escaped with cards, some alcohol and the landline telephone, leaving the elderly man very distressed and it was several hours before a neighbour became aware of what had happened and contacted police.

The suspect is described as being white, Scottish, around 6ft to 6ft 3ins tall, aged 30-40, with a heavy build and dark hair. He was wearing dark clothing.

Det Sgt Graham McCreadie said: "This was a terrifying ordeal for anyone to endure, never mind an elderly man within his own home in the middle of the night.

"Thankfully he was uninjured but it is vital that we catch the despicable individual responsible and prevent him from striking again.

"Inquiries have revealed that several hundred pounds have been taken from the elderly man's account and we are currently checking CCTV and speaking to local residents in an attempt to trace the person responsible.''

Extra officers are patrolling the area to offer public reassurance.

Anyone with information is asked to speak to the officers or contact police at the incident room at Cathcart by calling 0141 532 4977 or emailing greaterglasgowciu@scotland.pnn.police.uk