Elderly man in critical condition after being hit by car in Lanark

The 79 year-old pedestrian was involved in a crash with a black Mercedes around 7.45pm on Friday, on Waterloo Drive at its junction with Bellefield Road.

Bellfield Rd/Waterloo Dr
Author: Collette McGoniglePublished 14th Jan 2023

An elderly man's in a critical condition after being hit by a car in Lanark.

The 79 year-old pedestrian was involved in a crash with a black Mercedes around 7.45pm on Friday, on Waterloo Drive at its junction with Bellefield Road.

He was taken to Wishaw General Hospital and later transferred to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital where medical staff describe his condition as critical.

The driver of the car wasn't hurt.

The road was closed for around seven hours to allow enquiries to be carried out.

Sergeant Scott McCreadie of Lockerbie Road Policing said: “We are appealing to the public for information as part of our ongoing enquiry to establish the full circumstances of what happened.

“If you were in the area at the time and witnessed the incident then please get in touch. We are keen to speak to any drivers with dash-cam footage that could assist also.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 3179 of Friday, 13 January, 2023.