Environmentalists hail two new wind power records for Scotland

Scotland set two new wind power records at the end of December, according to figures released by an environmental group.

Published 8th Jan 2017

Scotland set two new wind power records at the end of December, according to figures released by an environmental group.

WWF Scotland said wind turbines generated enough power for all the nation's electricity needs over a record four straight days.

Turbines have previously generated more power than needed in a single day, but this is the first time four consecutive days have been recorded - on December 23, 24, 25 and 26.

A new record was also set on Christmas Eve for the most amount of wind-generated power in a single day with 74,042MWh of electricity sent to the National Grid.

Total electricity demand on the same date was 56,089MWh which meant wind turbines generated the equivalent of 132% of Scotland's total electricity needs that day.

Lang Banks, WWF Scotland's director, said: These are two spectacular achievements, which underline the massive progress Scotland is making in securing an ever increasing proportion of its electricity needs from wind power and other clean renewable sources.

Scotland can be proud that its record-breaking wind power output at the end of December, and resulting export of excess electricity through interconnectors to England, greatly contributed to what also proved a record-breaking week for wind power across the entire UK.

By reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, we're also helping to address the threats posed to people and nature by climate change. That is why we must continue to take steps to reduce our overall energy demand and harness more of what we do use from the wide range of renewable energy sources now available.''

The Scottish Government is expected to publish its new energy strategy later this month and WWF has urged ministers to aim high in renewable power, Karen Robinson of WeatherEnergy, which compiled the data, said: It was only as recently as August 2016 that we first recorded a day where wind powered electricity generation exceeded demand.

However, thanks to increasing levels of renewables capacity and improved energy efficiency reducing power demand, we're starting to see more and more such days.

Given these figures, now is the time for serious consideration to be given to using more of this excess renewable electricity to help de-carbonise other areas of society, such as powering electric vehicles or heating our homes and businesses using non-fossil fuel technologies.''