Glasgow man convicted of attempted murder of homeless man

His victim suffered a collapsed lung and 20 slashes

Author: Clyde NewsPublished 5th Jun 2018

A thug who launched a murderous attack on a homeless man in a car park was caught because of the bloody footprints he left at the scene.

On Tuesday, Marlon Street, 34, was convicted of attempting to murder 42-year-old James Law at the Q Park in Fox Street, Glasgow, on July 1, last year, and jailed for 11 years.

Prosecutor Keith O'Mahony told the jury that Mr Law was slashed 20 times from head to foot in a frenzied attack.

He suffered a collapsed lung and scarring as a result of the brutal assault and now only has partial use of his left hand and arm.

Jailing Street, Lord Arthurson told him: "This was a brutal and murderous attack on a vulnerable homeless man. You inflicted 20 knife wounds which covered his whole body."

Lord Arthurson described the attack as 'savage.'

The case against co-accused Robert Murray, 39, who was also accused of attempting to murder Mr Law, was found not proven.

The High Court in Glasgow heard the attack happened on a stairwell at the car park around 7.30pm and Mr Law sorted out his possessions.

Two men approached him and one of them attacked him. He was not able to identify either man.

However, Street was snared by bloody footprints left at the scene which matched footwear worn by him and by a number of items belonging to Mr Law which were found in Street's home.

The court was told Street has a horrendous record which includes crimes of violence.

Defence QC Neil Murray said: "The accused himself told me his record was shocking – his words not mine,

"At the age of three and living with his mother there was a house fire. His mother placed him in a bath which saved his life and she expired."

Street went to live with relatives in Australia, but returned to Scotland aged 18 and became involved in a chaotic lifestyle. Mr Murray added: "He began taking all manner of drugs to forget what happened to him at the age of three."

Street denied having anything to do with the murder bid on Mr Law.