LISTEN: RMT Union blasts ScotRail after Paisley-Glasgow disruption

Trains have returned to normal for passengers travelling through Paisley this morning, but ScotRail's still coming under fire for their handling of major disruption during rush hour yesterday.

Trains have returned to normal for passengers traveling through Paisley this morning, but ScotRail's still coming under fire for their handling of major disruption during rush hour yesterday.

The RMT says it is "unbelievable" and "unacceptable" that passengers were forced to climb down ladders onto the tracks to get off affected trains - after being stuck for more than 3 hours with no access to food, water or even a toilet - Mike Hogg is from the union...

Laura Dalglish was on the train as it was hit by power lines - she says they were stationary for nearly an hour before anyone told them what had happened...

A ScotRail Alliance spokesperson said: "These claims are completely untrue. We have always said we will schedule a second member of staff on board to look after our customers - and this train was no different. A ticket examiner was booked on this service."