Man hospitalised after Clydebank assault

The 35 year old was confronted by three men late on Saturday afternoon

The 35 year old was targeted on Hume Street by three men with a knife
Author: Molly TulettPublished 14th Jan 2024
Last updated 14th Jan 2024

A man is recovering in hospital after being seriously assaulted in Clydebank yesterday afternoon.

The 35 year old was taken to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital after he was attacked by three men with a knife on Hume Street.

After the incident, which took place around 4.50pm on January 13, the three attackers ran off in the direction of Belmont Street and Argyll Road.

Detective Constable Ross Gemmell said: "At this time, we believe the injured man was specifically targeted, however, have yet to establish a motive as to why that was the case.

"Officers have been checking CCTV and making local enquiries since the attack but are appealing to anyone who may have seen the assault or has any information that may assist with their enquiries to get in touch.

"Two of the men were dressed in black clothing with a snood covering their faces and the third was dressed in a light blue top and light blue shorts."

Anyone with information should contact Police Scotland via 101, quoting incident number 2440 of Saturday, 13 January, 2024.

Alternatively, details can be passed anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.