Man Jailed for Pepper Spray Attack

Simon Stuart was angry after unsuccessfully trying to chat up his victim

Published 8th Dec 2014

A spurned thug discharged pepper spray into the face of a young woman - after unsuccessfully trying to chat her up. Simon Stuart flew into a rage after being knocked back at a Glasgow nightclub in April this year. The serial criminal told her: "Just you wait and see what happens outside." Stuart was lying in wait when the 19 year-old later left the club and attacked her with the pepper spray - which can cause blindness. A friend of the victim got her away by pulling her into a nearby McDonalds amid chaotic scenes. The story emerged as Stuart appeared at the High Court in Glasgow. The 30 year-old pled guilty to a string of charges including assault and offences under the Firearms Act. A judge locked him for a total of six years and two months after branding him a "dangerous individual" that the public need protected from. The court heard Mhis victim had been out with friends at the Frampton's nightclub in the city's Maryhill on April 4. Prosecutor Andrew Brown QC told how Stuart later spoke to her in "an effort to chat her up", but the teenager "spurned his advances". Mr Brown went on: "On being rejected, he became abusive to her saying: 'Just you wait and see what happens outside'." Doormen were alerted to what had gone on and ordered Stuart out. In the early hours, the teenager went to a nearby McDonalds restaurant with a friend after leaving the club. Stuart - who by this time had changed clothes - suddenly re-appeared and went up to the young woman. Mr Brown told the court: "She was alarmed by his conduct and again tried to ignore him. "However, this appeared to aggravate him further and he produced a black canister from his jacket pocket. "He sprayed the contents directly into her face from a distance of less than a metre." As Stuart then fled, one of his victim's friends dragged her into the McDonalds and immediately washed her face. Mr Brown added: "She experienced problems with breathing and eyesight." The canister turned out to be pepper spray - sometimes used by police during crowd or riot control. The court heard the young woman was treated at hospital, but luckily had no lasting injuries. However, she continues to suffer from stress as a result of her ordeal. Stuart was not traced until weeks later at his girlfriend's home after a warrant had been issued for his arrest. He was charged, but initially claimed to police that he was "not guilty". Stuart already had a lengthy violent record - including being ocked up for six years for assault in 2004. He was on bail at the time of this latest incident in connection with a breach of the peace. His lawyer Sean Templeton claimed Stuart was now sorry and that the thug alleged he had happened to find the pepper spray before the assault. But, Judge Lord Turnbull told Stuart: "That you simply found this item is simply preposterous and comes close to an insult to the court's intelligence. "You possess an on-going willingness to resort to violence without provocation. "You are a dangerous individual that the public requires to be protected from."