Men left seriously injured after knife attack in Kilmarnock

They were attacked by three men in a flat in Jeffrey Street

Author: Paul KellyPublished 19th Mar 2018

Two men have been left with serious facial injuries after a knife attack in a Kilmarnock flat.

The men, aged 52 and 67, were in the property in Jeffrey Street at around 7:20pm on Sunday, when three men turned up at the door and carried out the attack.

Both men were rushed to Crosshouse Hospital and treated for serious injuries, after being slashed across the face with knives.

The first suspect is described as having short blonde hair, and was of slim build.

The second suspect is described as being around 30 years old, 5ft 8 of medium/stocky build. He had short, tidy dark hair and was clean shaven.

The men were unable to give a description of the third suspect, but all of the of the men were wearing dark clothing.

Detective Sergeant Barry Walker, Kilmarnock Police Office, said:

“This was a violent and brutal attack on two men who were left with potentially scarring injuries.

“We believe this to be a targeted attack which took place in a flat in a residential area nearby an open park area. Where were you on Sunday night? Did you hear or see anybody either before the attack took place, or fleeing from the scene afterwards?

“It is vital that we find the persons responsible and would appeal to anyone who was in the area at the time and may have seen a group of men acting suspiciously to come forward and contact us.”

Anyone with any information should contact Kilmarnock Police Office via 101, quoting incident number 3412 of Sunday 18 March 2018. Alternatively you can contact CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.