Police probe launched into fire at Dumbarton storage depot

A police probe’s been launched in Dumbarton following a fire at a council storage depot.

Published 31st Dec 2016

A police probe’s been launched in Dumbarton following a fire at a council storage depot.

Officers are treating the blaze as suspicious after flames were spotted coming from the Levengrove Depot, close to Clydeshore Road around 1.30am this morning.

No one was injured but there’s been structural damage to the plant nursery which is owned by West Dunbartonshire Council.

The local authority’s still counting the cost of the damage.

Detective Constable Andrew Fearnside, Clydebank CID, is appealing for information: “This was a senseless act which has severely damaged a plant nursery owned by the West Dunbartonshire Council. Although no plants were damaged, this is an area used to grow plants and make the local area a greener place to live, work and visit. As a community, this type of mindless vandalism will not be tolerated. Our enquiries are underway to trace the person responsible and ensure they are held to account for their actions.

“The area is popular with local dog walkers and offers shortcuts through the main park area. It may be that you witnessed the fire, or perhaps seen someone acting suspiciously in the early hours of Saturday morning. Any information, no matter how small, will greatly assist our ongoing investigation.

“Anyone with information about the fire or who saw the car in the area, or who has any information that will assist police with the investigation can contact Clydebank CID via 101.”

Information can also be passed in confidence to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.