Police Probe Lorry Death Crash

Police are carrying out a detailed investigation into what caused a bin lorry to career along a crowded pavement, killing six people.

bin lorry crash
Published 23rd Dec 2014

Police are carrying out a detailed investigation into what caused a bin lorry to career along a crowded pavement, killing six people.

A further eight people were injured when the lorry lost control in Glasgow city centre yesterday before crashing into the side of a hotel.

The accident happened in George Square, which was packed with Christmas shoppers and families enjoying the annual winter carnival.

A fleet of private ambulances with police outriders left the crash site early this morning.

A large cordon remains in place and dozens of floral tributes have been placed at the scene.

One witness yesterday described the lorry as knocking people down like pinballs'' in the crash which happened at around 2.30pm.

It is thought the driver may have fallen ill at the wheel as he travelled up Queen Street and his vehicle struck a pedestrian outside the Gallery of Modern Art.

The lorry continued on and hit several other people, only coming to a halt when it crashed into the side of Millennium Hotel in George Square.

Chief Inspector Mark Sutherland, from Police Scotland, said: It's important that we take all the necessary steps to do it as quickly as we can so that we get the answers for the families and get their loved ones back to them as quick as we can.''

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: My thoughts are with everyone involved in this tragic incident, and especially with the friends and families of the six people who lost their lives in what is another sad day for Glasgow and Scotland.''

Flags on public buildings in George Square will fly at half-mast today in remembrance of those who died and prayers will be said for the victims at a special church service.

The Reverend Alastair Duncan will lead the service at the nearby St George's Tron at 11.30am.

Yesterday's tragedy struck just over 12 months after the Clutha Bar helicopter crash in Glasgow.

Ten people died when a police helicopter crashed on to the roof of the pub on November 29 last year.

Church of Scotland Moderator the Right Reverend John Chalmers said: The news from the city centre of Glasgow just a few days before Christmas is simply devastating.

For the second year in a row Glaswegians will have to dig deep into their reserves of compassion and sympathy as they support the families of those who have been killed and injured.''

Those injured in the crash, including the driver, continue to receive treatment at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, the Southern General and the Western Infirmary.

Police are appealing to members of the public who have photographs, videos or any type of mobile footage of the incident to send it to a dedicated email address: georgesquareincident@scotland.pnn.police.uk.

Meanwhile, Northumbria Police are investigating an offensive Twitter message relating to the incident.

Speaking on a visit to the scene this morning, Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway Gregor Duncan said: I saw the aftermath in George Square and Queen Street.

I'll never forget what I saw but I'm sure that the people of Glasgow are used to tragedy and celebration and they will respond with warmth and care to the people who need their support and solidarity in the days to come. It's very shocking, very sad.

Christmas is about light shining in the darkness; the light still shines and we still acknowledge that. In churches all over the city people will be taking time to pray and reflect, to lament and to express their sorrow.''

Ms Sturgeon said Glasgow was a city with a broken heart''.

She said: As the city wakes up this morning, the sheer sense of horror and grief that happened yesterday will be very, very raw for people.

Obviously all of our thoughts first and foremost are with those who waken up as bereaved families this morning. It is almost impossible to imagine what theyn are going through and I know that everyone across the city, across Scotland, across the UK will be thinking of them today.

It was said after the Clutha incident last year, it's been said many times since, but I think all of us watching the pictures on our televisions last night were again struck by just how readily people run into a scene of potential danger to help those injured and affected.

There was a sense in the city last night of everybody rallying round.

There is something quite incredible about the spirit in the city. Everybody knows it is a city with a big, big heart.

This morning it's a city with a broken heart but it will get through this as it got through the Clutha tragedy.''

Ms Sturgeon praised the sheer professionalism'' of the emergency services.

Speaking about the investigation, she said: Of course people want answers and I think the absolute intention on the part of the police is to be in a position to give people those answers as quickly as possible.

Obviously in a situation like this it is vitally important that the police are able to get on with the job of investigating the cause.

The emergency services have been on the scene all night. The bodies of those who sadly lost their lives have now been taken away from the scene. There will be a process of formal identification still to go through today but clearly it is the priority of everybody involved to find out what caused this incident and give particularly the families of those involved the answers that they will be seeking.''

She added: A tragedy like this, I don't think it matters when it happens or where it happens, it's awful, it's dreadful, it's heartbreaking, but for this to have happened just three days before Christmas and for it to have happened in George Square, which is in so many ways the beating heart of the city of Glasgow at Christmas.

It's a carnival atmosphere there, people go there to enjoy the festivities, it was extremely busy yesterday at that part of the city.

Everybody remembers just a few months ago George Square being a scene of celebration as we enjoyed the Commonwealth Games so there's so much about this tragedy that just adds to what we would normally feel.

There's no doubt today that Glasgow will be a city in mourning, a city in deep mourning, but a city that will pull together.''

Police refused to comment on reports that three members of the same family are feared to be among the victims.