Strikes set to close North Lanarkshire nurseries

Early years staff in the area votes overwhelmingly in favour of the action

Staff voted in favour by 97% to take strike action
Author: Molly TulettPublished 26th Jun 2023

Early years workers in North Lanarkshire have voted in favour of strike action over the council’s ‘fire and rehire’ plans.

The council is proposing to make early years practitioners redundant or asking them to work at a lower wage, which would mean full-time staff could see a pay cut of up to £6,500, according to UNISON.

The ballot closed on 26 June and saw 97% vote to reject the plans and take strike action, after a 77% turn out.


UNISON North Lanarkshire branch secretary, Marie Quiqley, said: These fire and rehire plans are outrageous proposals.

“I had hoped the council would have seen sense by now. They are jeopardising children’s entire education if they don’t ensure young people are properly supported from the very start.

“Strike action is not something these workers wanted. But early years practitioners have made it very clear they will take action unless these plans are scrapped.”

The proposals would affect 375 workers, but UNISON is now preparing for strike action which will see nurseries in the area close.

UNISON says demand on staff is increasing

UNISON regional organiser, Audrey Malloy said: “These are the workers who nurture young children and prepare them for school, identifying their needs and ensuring they are met.

“Demands on early years practitioners are increasing because they’re seeing more children with increased educational needs, as a result of being unable to socialise during the pandemic.

“The council now needs to think again.”

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