5,000 Scots to receive trauma training

People will receive tuition in helping victims of abuse.

Author: Clyde NewsPublished 20th Jun 2018
Last updated 20th Jun 2018

More than 5,000 Scots could get training in how to deal with trauma victims, thanks to a new Scottish Government scheme.

Ministers have committed £1.35 million to a national training programme being developed to help people working with youngsters who have suffered adverse childhood experiences and adults who have been victims of physical or sexual abuse.

Medical professionals and people working in the criminal justice system - especially those who have to interview children - could be among the first to be trained.

The aim is to roll the scheme out to cover a range of different professions.

The funding, which is being made available over three years, aims to provide training to more than 5,000 people across all sectors of the workforce.

Announcing the initiative, Deputy First Minister John Swinney said: "Almost one in five adults has experienced physical or sexual abuse in their childhood, and more than a quarter of all women have experienced domestic abuse.

"These traumatic experiences can have long-lasting effects on people's lives which is why preventing them, and helping children and adults overcome them, is a priority for the Scottish Government.

"This training will give front line workers the knowledge, skills and confidence they need when responding to people affected by adversity and trauma - giving choice and control to people who need it most.''

Sandie Barton, director of operations for Rape Crisis Scotland, said the scheme would help create a more confident and knowledgeable workforce.

She added: "We know from survivors of sexual violence that having trauma-informed services that listen and respond with sensitivity can make all the difference to their recovery.''

Martin Crewe, director of children's charity Barnardo's Scotland, hailed the move as "an important step towards ensuring we have a trauma-informed workforce able to recognise, respond to, and support children, young people and their families who have experienced trauma''.

Mary Glasgow, interim chief executive at Children 1st, said: "Today's new funding is fantastic news for children, families and communities across Scotland.

"Skilling up support workers to sensitively recognise, respond to and support parents to recover from their own unresolved childhood trauma can prevent and protect children from harmful experiences and strengthen communities - which benefits us all.'