UPDATE: 21 people fighting for their lives after London Bridge attack

The Metropolitan Police have given us an update about last night's terror attack in London

Two women hug after bringing flowers to add to tributes laid on the north side of London Bridge following last night's terrorist incident.
Published 4th Jun 2017
Last updated 4th Jun 2017

The Metropolitan Police have updated us after last night (Saturday)'s terror attacks in London Bridge and Borough Market.

Officers say they've arrested seven women in connection with the attacks.

Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley confirmed:

  • Seven people have died - as well the three terrorists who were shot dead
  • 21 people are fighting for their lives in hospital
  • The white van used to ram pedestrians was recently hired by one of the attackers
  • A member of the public was accidentally shot by armed officers - they're recovering in hospital
  • 50 rounds were shot by eight officers
  • We'll see more police on the streets of London

His full statement's here:

"The investigation is progressing at pace, and officers from the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command, the National Counter Terrorism Policing network are working relentlessly with UK intelligence partners to piece together exactly what occurred.

"We have already made significant progress, but of course, there remains much more to do.

"We are making significant progress in identifying the three attackers, and that there were no other suspects at the scene, when the attack was carried out.

"Work is ongoing to understand more about them, their connections and whether they were assisted or supported by anyone else. As I think you are aware there are searches ongoing in east London, and 12 arrests have been made. There is of course more to do, and we will work relentlessly to establish the facts.

"We have established that the van used during the attack, a white Renault van - was recently hired by one of the attackers.

Police surround the van used by the attackers at London Bridge, Saturday June 3, 2017. The assault began Saturday night when a van veered off the road and barreled into pedestrians on busy London Bridge. Three men fled the van with large knives and attacked people at bars and restaurants in nearby Borough Market, police and witnesses said. (AP Photo/Kevin Dunne)

"Our understanding is growing and as we currently understand it the van entered London Bridge at 21:58 travelling from the North to the South side of the river. The van mounted the pavement, and collided with pedestrians before being abandoned, where the attackers, armed with knives, continued into the Borough Market area, stabbing numerous people.

"The attackers were then confronted by the firearms officers and I can confirm that eight police firearms officers discharged their weapons. Whilst this will be subject to thorough investigation by the IPCC our initial assessment is that in the region of 50 rounds were discharged by 8 officers. The three attackers were shot dead.

The situation these officers were confronted with was critical – a matter of life and death – three armed men, wearing what appeared to be suicide belts, had already attacked and killed members of the public and had to be stopped immediately.

"Indeed I am not surprised that faced with what they must have feared were three suicide bombers - the firearms officers fired an unprecedented number of rounds to be completely confident they had neutralised those threats. I am humbled by the bravery of an officer who will rush towards a potential suicide bomber thinking only of protecting others.

"Seven people have been killed... 36 people remain in hospital."

"As the officers confronted the terrorists – and were shot – a member of the public also suffered gunshot wounds. Although we do not believe the injuries to critical in nature, they are in hospital receiving medical attention. We will of course keep you updated on that.

"Seven people have been killed, in addition to the three attackers. Work to inform the next of kin of the victims is ongoing – this may take some time, as we believe some of these victims are from abroad.

"36 people remain in hospital, suffering from a range of injuries – some of which are extremely serious. 21 remain in a critical condition.

"You will have heard earlier today about the British Transport Police who sustained injuries in the attack. I can confirm that an off duty Met-Officer, based on Southwark borough, was caught up in the attack. Fortunately he has not suffered life threatening injuries, but he remains in hospital in a serious condition.

A sign at Walthamstow tube station in east London following last night's terrorist incident at London Bridge.

"The investigation team are taking statements from hundreds of witnesses and I again appeal for anyone with information or footage of the incident to contact police.

"The cordons in and around the London Bridge and Borough Market area will remain in place, and we encourage the public to avoid the area as our investigation is ongoing. This will have an impact on travel arrangements as we head in to Monday morning, and would ask everyone to check with their travel operators and seek alternative routes wherever possible.

"The public can expect to see additional police – both armed and unarmed officers - across the Capital. And our security and policing plans for events are being reviewed. The public will also see an increased physical measures in order to keep public safe on London’s bridges.

Finally, I ask the public to remain calm but vigilant - and if you see anything suspicious, no matter how insignificant you might think it is, please contact the anti-terrorism hotline on 0800 789 321. It may be a vital piece of information."

You can watch Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowland's press statement here: