Alan Rough joins Partick Thistle board as director

League Cup hero Alan Rough has returned to Partick Thistle as a director.

Alan Rough
Published 26th Jun 2018

The former Scotland goalkeeper is back at the club where he made his name as a teenager when helping Thistle to a shock 1971 Hampden triumph over Celtic.

The 66-year-old holds Thistle's all-time appearance record after playing 624 games for the Jags and has been brought on to the board following talks with recently-appointed chair Jacqui Low.

Rough said: "I admit I was a bit taken aback when Jacqui said that the board was interested in me being a director of Thistle. I've never been approached to play an official role before although I have happily supported the club at events and hospitality over the years.

"But the clarity and vision that the board has for developing the club in general, as well as the commitment to the return to the Premiership in one season, made it impossible to refuse.

"There's a buzz about Firhill that's unexpected, an enthusiasm and commitment that's infectious. But no-one is naive about the challenges ahead.'