Vote a carry on!

Author: Hugh KeevinsPublished 27th Apr 2020

Scotland has what the politicians call the "new normal" while in the midst of trying to survive the coronavirus.

Scottish football, however, remains resolutely faithful to the old normal.

Trust nobody.

But we should all be grateful to Rangers for having provided us with the kind of compelling distraction which amply compensates for having no football to watch during lockdown.

They also have sufficient backing from fellow clubs to call for a vote on their demand for the members’ requisition which asks for a special general meeting of all forty-two SPFL clubs.

This means seventy-five per cent of those clubs need to vote in favour of having a second independent investigation into the vote on the SPFL's proposal that Divisions One, Two and Three be called now and the Premiership left open while the feasibility of playing games behind closed doors to complete the league programme is investigated.

I could be sarcastic here and say this will be a vote to decide whether another vote was improperly conducted.

And I could ask what happpens if the vote on the vote doesn't come down in favour of another investigation.

Would there then be a call for another vote on the vote to decide if the original vote was invalid?

I could be sarcastic but time is getting on and the bailiffs are moving closer to the doors of the financially vulnerable within the SPFL.

That is to say the vast majority.

There are suggestions Rangers call for a vote to bring in the investigators for a second time will fail because some clubs are unwilling to pay the cost of hiring legal eagles and taking the money out of the SPFL kitty when cash reserves are limited and clubs' need is great.

In that case, could Rangers not fund the investigation themselves and let the SPFL be liable for the legal costs if the Ibrox club prove wrongdoing?

A full refund of money going to Rangers if they are successful complainants.

If Rangers lose their case then Douglas Park and his board foot the legal bill.

This business of the vote that went wrong is a running sore on the face of Scottish football and they look unsightly unless you do something about cleaning them up.

If the SPFL have nothing to hide then let them submit themselves to full scrutiny and let the men accused of impropriety leave the investigation with no stain on their character if found to be innocent of all charges.

Then we can all get on with seeing if football behind closed doors is a possibility in the near future.

The meter's running and the toxic combination of no income and high outgoings is looking like it is on the fatal side of lethal.

The old cynic in me thinks if Celtic had been going for, let's say, Three in a Row instead of nine titles in succession this argument we are currently having might not have gathered the intensity we are currently witnessing.

A global disaster has given us a parochial by-product involving the two biggest clubs in the country.

Even in the midst of a human tragedy of epic proportions this business of Celtic perhaps getting to an unprecedented Ten in a Row lurks in the undergrowth.

Wha's like us?

Anyway, it's passing the time that weighs heavily on everyone's hands.

But one day in the not too distant future somebody is going to have to bite the bullet and say we can't wait any longer and call the league over.

The Scottish Government doesn't seem in any way inclined to allow closed door games and run the risk of triggering a second wave of the pandemic.

We are all in agreement the league should be finished on the park if humanly possible. Not a soul that anybody knows of disputed that assessment.

But does anyone have the foggiest idea how it can be done?

In the meantime, league reconstruction talks go on today.

You've got to laugh, haven’t you?

Haven't you?