Neil Lennon blasts his players after Hibs squander two goal lead

Neil Lennon branded Hibernian's second-half capitulation “inexcusable” as they let slip a two-goal lead against Motherwell.

Published 16th Sep 2017

Neil Lennon branded Hibernian's second-half capitulation “inexcusable” as they let slip a two-goal lead against Motherwell.

Anthony Stokes netted his second goal 12 minutes into the second half but Louis Moult headed home Craig Tanner's free-kick in the 64th minute before turning and firing home from 20 yards 10 minutes later.

Hibs continued to flounder before regaining their composure in the closing stages and Stokes came close with a free-kick as the sides shared a 2-2 draw.

The point kept both sides in the Ladbrokes Premiership top six but Lennon was unhappy.

“It was a good game, a good tempo, but it was inexcusable what we have done,” said Lennon, whose side lost 3-1 to Hamilton in their previous Easter Road encounter.

“I have a back four that is very experienced - big boys, an international goalkeeper - and they didn't lead, they didn't manage the game.

“It's the second time that has happened in two games at home, so it's something I am going to have to address.”

Lennon was scathing of the defending for Moult's first goal. The striker headed home Craig Tanner's free-kick from inside the six-yard box as Hibs goalkeeper Ofir Marciano continued to look vulnerable from aerial balls.

“Pathetic,” Lennon said. “The fact that Moult was free for a start but my goalkeeper has to come and take it. He's three yards out and he has turned his back on it.

“Then we have lost our discipline in terms of our shape, in terms of our defending. The second goal is embarrassing in terms of people diving in, giving themselves up, getting rolled, the goalkeeper gets beat at his near post.

“But it was coming, because we asked for it.

“That's not a reflection on me, however I have to accept the brunt of it.

“If the players don't like what I'm saying publicly, I do not care because we gave them all the warnings, gave them the warnings at half-time, and if they are not going to be big enough to take the responsibility on the pitch then I will have to change it.

“I will change it.”

Motherwell manager Stephen Robinson was far happier but he too felt his team could have taken more from the game.

Stokes netted in the 21st minute after the weakest of three penalty claims when Martin Boyle went down under the attention of Charles Dunne. Carl McHugh earlier clipped Stokes' heels in the box before Richard Tait was harshly booked for diving in the other penalty area.

Moult hit the woodwork before Motherwell came back strongly after Stokes capitalised on some slack defending.

Robinson said: “I felt we were 2-0 down very much against the run of play and the boys didn't stop believing.

“We were unfortunate, the only penalty given wasn't a penalty, the other two probably were.

“We played some super football in the second half once we won the battle and we are disappointed not to come out with all three points."