5 ways tapping on a touchscreen has changed your body

30% of users have seen changes to their hands

Published 9th Jun 2016

After just 10 years of using smart phones our bodies have evolved. On average we spend two hours a day on our phones, so it's no wonder that our bodies are changing.

1. Our 'swipe thumb' is bigger


O2 has revealed that 2.5 million people have one thumb larger than the other. It is believed that the thumb on the 'swiping hand' is now 15% larger than the thumb on the other hand.

2. Our little finger is now a different shape

Just under four million people say that they have developed an indent in their little finger from the way they hold their phone and now there is even a distinctive curve to the pinky.

3. Phantom vibrations


In addition to the physical effects mentioned a small percentage have also said they now feel 'phantom vibrations', thinking they feel their phone vibrate, only to find out that there was nothing there. Spooky.

4. We might live longer


15% of those asked believe that our phones actually help us live longer, probably down to the fitness apps that 30% of users now have installed on their phones. Now we think more about the steps we're walking and calories that we are eating.

5. An extra limb


Amazingly the research has also revealed that 12% of people consider their phone an extra limb, blurring the line between hand and handset.

This research was done as part of O2's #newnormal campaign.

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