5 Signs It’s Probably Summer In Northern Ireland

Published 5th Apr 2016

By Jessikah Hope Stenson

With the clocks already changed for British Summertime there’s hope in the air that this year we might actually experience a proper summer.

In Northern Ireland it either comes in Easter, for one day in June, or never at all.

In case you’re not sure, here are five signs it’s summer in Northern Ireland.

1. There’s a queue at Mauds

Come rain or sleet there will always be a queue at Mauds in the summer, or any kind of summer’esque day. The wee kiddies are after their Poo Bear ice cream, and their brothers, sisters, parents and grandparents too for that matter.

No one’s going to turn down an excuse for a Mauds!


2. BBQs, BBQs… And more BBQs!

Your da decides that it’s time to have a BBQ every night for a week even though it’s baltic outside – “ach, just put another layer on!”

Every year without fail there will be too much food so you just have to have another BBQ the next night.


3. The rain gets warmer

It’ll still rain every time you leave the house only this time it’ll be a few degrees warmer. It’s a wonder what that can do for your spirits.

Your clothes may be drenched but at least you won’t get a cold.

4. The dog walkers double

Our lovely beaches are suddenly swarmed with dog walkers. Of course there have been those mad folks walking their dogs at six am all year round, but now they’re joined by another load of people who feel guilty about their obese dog’s health.

Who doesn’t love seeing a pup when they’re out and about?

5. Lobster Skin

When the sun miraculously appears for ten minutes a wave of celebration ripples through the country – shortly followed by the horrified cries of sunburn. Trust your ma to say, “I told you so”.

You know what they say - if you wait for the good weather to come, it’ll never happen.
