Anger as "homophobic and anti-Irish" graffiti appears in Lurgan

It appeared in the Taghnaven Estate area

graffiti along the Portadown Road underpass.
Author: James GouldPublished 18th Jul 2022

There has been anger and shock in Lurgan today after the discovery of homophobic and sectarian graffiti.

It was daubed along the Portadown Road underpass, which has been a hot-spot of antisocial behaviour in recent years.

SDLP Councillor for the area Ciaran Toman, says it shows "the complete disregard and contempt those responsible have towards the settled community in Taghnaven."

"It is reprehensive in this day and age that someone would go out of their way and erect such a sign," he said.

"These views are not representative of the majority people of Lurgan, Lurgan is an inclusive, welcoming town that is looking to the future.

"Those involved are defying their own community and are diverting resources away from other services. What they may consider a ‘bit of fun’ costs others time and money.”

"I condemn these actions entirely and I have asked for the graffiti to be removed and I urge anyone with information on this incident to contact PSNI immediately. "

The PSNI have been contacted for comment.