Cookstown tragedy: families pay tribute to the loved ones who lost their lives

Morgan, Connor and Lauren remembered

Cookstown tragedy
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 21st Mar 2019

The families of the three teenagers who died in the St Patrick’s night tragedy in Cookstown have issued a heart-felt plea for information.

Ahead of tomorrow’s funerals for Morgan Barnard, Connor Currie and Lauren Bullock, they released a message through the PSNI.

“The three families would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to the local community for their support since the tragic events of Sunday night.

“They are grateful to all of those who have come forward to speak to PSNI so far and would appeal to anyone else who witnessed the terrible event to come forward and give their account to police.

“The families want to find out exactly what happened to their children and have asked people to cooperate fully with the police investigation.”

They went on to thank the emergency services at the scene and staff at Antrim Area Hospital.

The families also paid tribute to their loved ones.

Morgan’s family said the teenager will be remembered for “loving the simple things in life”.

“He volunteered for a number of things including working at the local Cancer Research Shop,” they said.

“He always had a smile for everyone and brightened up the classroom with his humour”

Connor’s family paid tribute to those who tried to help Connor: “Connor’s family want to thank Antrim Area Hospital staff, paramedics, ambulance staff, PSNI and members of the public who came to Connor’s assistance in any way.”

Lauren’s family said Laure was outgoing and fun loving.

““Lauren’s family will remember her as very a thoughtful and caring young girl who was outgoing and fun loving,” they said