Executive to hold emergency meeting to discuss further Covid restrictions

Author: Chelsie KealeyPublished 13th Oct 2020
Last updated 13th Oct 2020

The Northern Ireland Executive is due to meet later today (Tuesday) to discuss what further action is needed to stop the spike in Covid cases.

The meeting usually takes place on Thursdays but has been brought forward as the number of cases continue to rise at an alarming rate.

The meeting follows Boris Johnson’s announcement yesterday (Monday) of a new three-tier system in England.

Areas there can now be separated into medium, high and very high alert levels.

Yesterday (Monday) Robin Swann submitted a letter to the Northern Ireland Executive about what steps he thinks should be taken to curb the virus.

It is understood that Ministers are set to discuss this and the possibility of a longer circuit breaker over the Halloween break and further restrictions for the hospitality sector.

Darren Mornin is the Principal at Limavady High School he said schools should only be closed if the scientific evidence supports it.

He said: “The benefits of that would have to be led by the scientists, so if the scientists tell us that an extra couple of weeks off over the Halloween break and then home learning would impact of the transmission of this disease then I believe it should be welcome and we should embrace it.

“For that short period of time we can continue with online learning and we can support children at home.

“As long as it doesn’t extend for a longer period.

“Schools in my opinion are a safe place for children and we should try and keep that face-to-face teaching for as long as possible.

“None of this really does replace the face-to-face support that can happen whilst in a classroom.

“So, I believe it would have a detrimental impact, but again I suppose it’s a balancing act around health and education.

“Whilst I understand that there have been many schools impacted by large numbers of pupils isolating and staff self-isolating, I think it is clear to say that most of these cases have came from community transmission rather than within the school.

“If at all possible, we should try to continue to provide that stability and support for our pupils and families.”

It comes as three new deaths were recorded, which means the Department of Health’s death toll is now 591.

Another 877 people tested positive from 4,430 tests.

While there are 120 hospital inpatients.