Almost half of Britons exaggerate how healthy they are on social media

Are you guilty of this?

Published 27th Oct 2016

New research has found that almost half of Britons exaggerate how healthy they are on social media.

This includes posting about a gym session that has never happened, posting photos of superfood when you actually gorge on junk food and using a flattering filter before uploading your snaps.

We are apparently becoming a generation of 'fit-ocrites' who appear to be living a healthy lifestyle on social media, but are hiding the real truth.

Amazingly the survey found that 14% of those polled have posted a status about a gym session that never happened and 10% have uploaded a photo taken in their gym gear, only to get changed within seconds.

Even of those who do make it for a workout nearly one in five admit they breathe in before taking a gym selfie.

While many are posting regular photos of superfood juices and a healthy diet, a lot of people have no idea what a goji berry looks like and 45 per cent have admitted that they couldn’t identify quinoa, with two thirds unable to identify chia seeds.

Goji berries / quinoa / chia seeds | © iStock

Are you guilty of this?

1,500 young adults aged 20 to 45 took part in the online study via Ginger Research for wow, Europe’s first chia seed drink.