Man struggles with his wifi kettle for 11 hours - just for a simple cup of tea

How long would you wait for a cup of tea?

Published 13th Oct 2016

(Nearly) everyone loves a cup of tea, but you would be prepared to wait 11 hours for one?

A wifi kettle has the potential to be amazing for those who are too lazy to get up and boil the kettle themselves, but when it doesn't work it's another matter.

In fact it's the stuff of nightmares if you're a teaholic!

Mark Rittman, a data specialist in Sussex, set out to make a cup of tea one morning by using his wifi enabled kettle, but unfortunately he ran into a few problems.

It was just before 9am when he posted his first tweet saying, "Still haven't had a first cup of tea this morning" as he set about debugging his kettle.

An hour later and three hours after he first started to try and boil the kettle, Mark was still struggling with his kitchen gadget and posted a photo of him "port-scanning" his network to find his kettle!

As the morning went on Mark's luck with the kettle wasn't improving.

Throughout the afternoon the intrepid tea maker found himself encountering more connectivity problems, but eventually 11 hours later he managed to get it online.

However, by the time it was sorted it was time to eat dinner, which he did in the dark because he was waiting for a firmware update for his lights!

As the day progressed many asked why Mark was persevering with the technology, with one user even saying, "why don't you just get normal f*cking kettle" which Mark retweeted as his favourite comment.

However, it all became clear when Mark explained he was trying it out for an Internet of Things Event.

Finally just after midnight Mark had managed to connect his kettle to Amazon Alexa and boil it, posting video evidence to prove it!