A New York pharmacy receives backlash after introducing 7% 'man tax'

It follows research that women pay more for their products.

Published 13th Oct 2016

Thompson Chemists, based in the Soho district of New York City, have come under fire after they announced they would be introducing a 'man tax'.

Earlier this week two signs appeared in the shop window, one said that female customers could shop tax free, whilst another sign said men would be subject to a 7% tax.

The decision to introduce this tax has resulted in a big debate on social media with many saying it is unfair, however the pharmacy has said it is was to highlight instances of gender pricing discrepancy.

A study by New York City Department of Consumer Affairs has revealed that on average woman pay 7% more than men on similar products and the pharmacy wants to raise awareness of this.

They went on to say that New York has a 4.5% local sales tax which isn't added on medicines, glasses and other medical equipment. So the 'man tax' is actually a promotion that favours female customers.

Despite the negative comments there are also many comparing the tax to classing female sanitary products as a 'luxury' items, which attracts a tax in many countries.

LieutenantGordon said, "I feel like this is a political statement about the 'luxury' tax placed on feminine hygiene items."

Whilst user graehall said, "At least it's not Australia, where tampons and pads are classified as "luxury items" and subject to the GST. That sht is properly fcked up"

However JustAnotherLurkingGoose responded saying, "They could have just made tampons cheaper and made the ladies happy without trying to make it seem like they're punishing men"