Are you one of Britain's 'fashion stashers'?

One in 10 men wish their partner would get rid of some of their clothes.

Published 18th Oct 2016

Research released by Barclaycard has revealed on average Brits wear less than half of their clothes regularly.

The research has also found that 12% of people only wear some items once, or never at all!

Are you one of these so called 'fashion stashers'?

Nationally Brits are wasting £1,033 worth of wardrobe space by storing rarely used clothes and accessories. Women are (perhaps) unsurprisingly worse at this, with one in 10 men wishing their partner would throw out some of their clothes!

In many of the regions however the amount of wasted space is signifcantly lower with most areas outside of London coming in between £500 and £600 (the full list is below).

23% of fashion stashers hold off throwing out their clothes hoping that they'll lose weight and be able to fit into them again, whilst 42% of 18-34 year-olds are put off wearing items of clothing again if they have been snapped on social media.

© iStock

Another reason for the large amount of clothes in the population's wardrobes is that they are reluctant to return items that either don't fit or aren't suitable, with 21% saying it's a hassle to return items.

UK total £1,033 North East £746 North West £677 Yorks & Humber £686 East Midlands £652 West Midlands £598 East of England £1,025 London £2,875 South East £1,336 South West £698 Wales £607 Scotland £568 Northern Ireland £470