WATCH: A huge spider is filmed carrying a dead mouse and people can't believe it

These spiders are quite common in Australia

Published 24th Oct 2016

It's not every day that a Huntsman spider is filmed carrying its prey - in this case a whole mouse!

Aussie Jason Womal posted a video of this huge spider in his neighbour's house as it carried its prey up his fridge in the middle of the night.

In his caption Jason said, "So I am just about to leave for work about 0030 and me neighbour says "You want to see something cool" and I say "Hell yeah"."

The short video shows the spider walking up the fridge with the mouse's head in its mouth, despite struggling with its weight it has managed to reach the top.

Watch if you dare...

Since posting this video it has been viewed 10 million times in just over 24 hours and quite understandably has received quite the reaction online with nearly 60,000 comments - many of them exclaiming at the size and strength of the spider.

Although there were a few people who said they're rather have the spider than the mouse.

Late last night Jason posted another status on Facebook saying him and his neighbour have now adopted 'Hermie' as they have called him and he is now paying rent.