WATCH: Man chases his runaway car across a busy motorway

Don't try this!

Published 25th Oct 2016

Ever had that sinking feeling as you watch your car rolling away from you because you left the handbrake off?

Well unfortunately for this man who stopped to talk to a lorry driver, his car rolls across a busy motorway.

Instead of leaving it he decides to take his life into his own hands and chase his runaway car in a futile attempt to stop the inevitable. Never mind the traffic heading towards him at speed!

Just as the car hits the central reservation lorries and cars approach the scene, by which time the runaway car has some how turned around and is now heading back towards the hard shoulder.

Thankfully all the vehicles manage to stop in time allowing the car and driver to get back to the relative safety of the hard shoulder.

The incident happened on a Swiss motorway and was captured by the police from the lakeside town of Neuchâtel.

It is not known at present how much damage the car has sustained or if the driver will be fined.

WATCH: The full video below »